In addition to an otherworldly fried chicken appetizer, and a �granulated,� aged beef burger some (including my wife Michele) consider the best in the City, the MBC also features daily specials, and one such offering was described as an �heirloom tomato salad topped with a crispy rye crumble.�
That sounded great to us, and our server vouched for its excellence, so we happily included it among our starters. What we didn�t know at the time, was that our server had defied the kitchen and refused to use the dish�s official name, �tomatoes and dirt.�
She made this stunning admission as we raved about its deliciousness, and admitted to going rogue and changing the name because she just didn�t think that �dirt� sounded appetizing. What?! I thought this plate of tomatoes and �dirt� was just about the most creative thing I�d heard/seen/tasted in a while.
I was this close to going into that kitchen, ratting her out, and maybe getting a free dessert for my trouble, but thought better of it, and decided to quietly finish the salad, knowing that I would share it here, dirty name and all. Anyway, this is my version, and I hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!
Ingredients for 4 Small Portions:
8 oz burrata cheese, or fresh ricotta
Enough freshly sliced tomatoes for 4 portions
Wine vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper to taste
Fresh sliced basil leaves
For the crumbs:
2 tbsp olive oil, more if needed
3 large brown mushrooms, minced fine
big pinch of salt
3 slices of dark rye, made into crumbs
1 rounded tablespoon ground almonds (aka almond meal, almond flour, or just crush your own)