Since that�s not going to happen anytime soon (hey, you�re busy, and they can�t afford your rates anyway), why not do the next best thing, and make them learn themselves? With any luck, they�ll practice their �homework� on you. Plus, think of all the time you�ll save wrapping a present.
In case you�re wondering, while I completely stand behind this offering, I'm not personally involved in the course instruction, nor do I directly profit from subscriptions to the school. For more info, head over to Enjoy!
Christmas Cookie Decorating Ideas
I�m not much of a cookie guy, and even less of a decorating cookie guy; so, since I�m no help, I thought I�d pass along this great post by Karen Gaudette, called �21 Fun And Creative Cookie Decorating Ideas. Because Christmas.�
Ironically, the ultimate goal with this kind of thing is to make a cookie so amazing, so intricate, and so visually arresting, that no one would dare bite into it. �How were the cookies? No idea, they were too nice to eat.� Just imagine. Enjoy!